Pineapple Sails

[caption id="attachment_702" align="alignleft" width="269" caption="Photo: Mariah's Eyes (510) 864-1144 Ad for July 1997"][/caption]

M'Lady is a classic beauty. A 38-foot Ulstrup design, she was built in 1937 and is owned and lovingly maintained by Yasuko Tomizawa of Japan. Because Yosuko must travel such a long distance, she only sees and sails her boat a few times a year. She relies on her captain, Marvin Arshawsky, to sail and care for the boat.

Over the past several years, Yasuko and Marvin and a very committed crew have sailed M'Lady and each year entered the Master Mariner Race. But this year there was a difference. She won! Outfitted with a new coat of paint, layers of new varnish and a set of new Pineapple Sails, M'Lady placed first in the Marconi 2 division. She also won the Aloha Trophy: fastest elasped time of all the 30-to-40-foot Marconi rigged boats.

The grand old boats of the Master Mariners Benevolent Association were built in the tradition of quality work-manship and design.

With the benefit of today's tools and materials, Pineapple Sails is committed to that same time-tested tradition

Written by Aimee — July 01, 1997