Pineapple Sails

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Heart of Gold, Jim and Sue Corenman's Schumacher 50, is half way around the world. After visiting and then revisiting some of their favorite South Pacific islands and tucking in to Aukland and then Sydney to sail in protected waters during hurricane season, Goldie has covered over twenty-five thousand miles since she left California in 1992. Making friends on remote islands, competing in local races against a crown prince or two, skipping a destination when the sailing is just too good - Jim and Sue really know how to cruise.

Whenever the wind is up, Heart of Gold's sails go up.

So when the .75 oz. spinnaker had sailed the last of its thousands of miles, Pineapple Sails was called upon to quickly build another and ship it to Langkawa, Malasia.

The Corenmans understand the value of fast, strong sails. They've enjoyed visiting exciting new places. But getting there has been half the fun.

And their Pineapple Sails have made the going great!

Written by Aimee — April 01, 1997